Terms and Conditions

Website use

You accept full responsibility and risk for your use of this Site and any services or information herein by using the antivirusinstaller.com website (the “Website”) and by doing so, you agree to the accompanying terms and conditions of usage (the “Terms”). You should cease using this website right away if you do not agree with its terms.

By using this Website, you agree that antivirusinstaller.com is under no obligation to update this page’s content, including these Terms, and that antivirusinstaller.com is not responsible for providing any such updates. It is the responsibility of every user to check the Terms and the website’s content for updates.

Once any changes are made to the Terms or website content, if you continue to use this website, it will be assumed that you accept such changes.

By using this Website, you promise that you will use any services or material of this Website for authorised purposes only. You may not obtain, transfer, store, or otherwise move any information, data, content, or material in violation of law through the use of this website (including law pertaining to intellectual property).

By using this website, you consent to refrain from exploiting its services or content for any kind of commercial endeavours without antivirusinstaller.com’ prior written consent. antivirusinstaller.com members who are currently in good standing are permitted conditional exclusions for the commercial use of this website; for additional details, please refer to the antivirusinstaller.com membership rules.

Account on the website antivirusinstaller.com

To fully use the services and content offered by this Website, a user account on the antivirusinstaller.com website is required. The mere existence of a user account on this website does not imply membership in antivirusinstaller.com. You are not an antivirusinstaller.com member simply because you have a current, legitimate user account on this website. Nonetheless, your user account may display any official antivirusinstaller.com membership level.

By creating a user account on the Website, you promise to give accurate information about yourself and only information that is relevant to you. In an effort to impersonate a party you are not legally permitted to represent, it is forbidden to furnish antivirusinstaller.com with fake information or information obtained from other parties. You may not access content or services that call for a user account by using another party’s account or by allowing another party to use your account.

You consent to full responsibility for all actions taken on or through your account by registering for a Website user account. You must consequently take all necessary precautions to protect your account details. You must notify antivirusinstaller.com right away if your account’s security is compromised in any way, such as by having your password stolen. antivirusinstaller.com reserves the right, for any cause not expressly stated in these Terms or for any other reason, to terminate (including: ban, delete, etc.) your user account without prior notice.

You acknowledge that you do not actually own your account or any other part of this website by creating a user account on this website. antivirusinstaller.com reserves the right to remove any and all content submitted by your account, including the account itself, at its sole discretion and without prior notice for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to: violation of these Terms, violation of US, Canadian, or international law, troublemaking, etc. antivirusinstaller.com reserves the right to permanently restrict or prevent access to the Website or a user account and disclaims all duty for any content or services that are removed from our site, regardless of whether they were created by antivirusinstaller.com or a Website user account. You acknowledge that if this Website, its content, and its services are ceased for you or in general, antivirusinstaller.com will not be liable to you in any way.

Ownership of Intellectual Property and Website Content

Antivirusinstaller.com or appropriately credited antivirusinstaller.com content providers and licensees are the owners of the content and intellectual property on this website, and those rights are protected by Canadian and international law. Information, data, photos, videos, trademarks, service marks, industrial designs, logos, and other works and services, both with and without copyrights, are all considered content.

antivirusinstaller.com is the owner of “antivirusinstaller.com” and all related trademarks, service marks, ownership designations, and logos. Without antivirusinstaller.com’ express, written consent, such markings may not be used. It is prohibited to combine or otherwise alter antivirusinstaller.com trademarks in order to associate them with those of another party or to indicate a connection between antivirusinstaller.com and the other party. Throughout this website, any additional logos, slogans, or trademarks that are not the property of “antivirusinstaller.com” are the property of their respective owners, who may or may not be linked to, partnered with, or sponsored by “antivirusinstaller.com.” Without the express written consent of antivirusinstaller.com, the material of this website may not be copied, downloaded, screen captured, distributed, published, or otherwise transferred in any way. Illegal use of antivirusinstaller.com website content may be punishable under Canadian or international law and may result in civil and/or criminal action. You do not acquire or otherwise get any licence, right, or permission to use or duplicate any antivirusinstaller.com Website material by accessing this website. Without express written consent from antivirusinstaller.com, you undertake not to publicly display or otherwise utilise any antivirusinstaller.com Website content, including but not limited to for commercial gain.

User Contributions

By sending content to be displayed on the antivirusinstaller.com Website, you consent to refrain from sending any materials that are unlawful, indecent, profane (directly or indirectly through partially obscured words, letters, phrases, terminology, or similar wording), threatening, defamatory, derogatory, or otherwise harmful to antivirusinstaller.com or third parties. Without express written consent from antivirusinstaller.com, no commercial solicitation may be made on the antivirusinstaller.com website.

Also, you acknowledge that you won’t divulge private or confidential information about others or violate their right to privacy or dignity. Also, you agree that you won’t send any materials that contain harmful software code or that are designed to propagate, distribute, or otherwise support it, including unsolicited email blasts (“spam”). Regardless of the purpose or meaning of the action or content. Submission of material to antivirusinstaller.com is prohibited if it includes any attempt to falsify affiliation or standing with antivirusinstaller.com or any third party, impersonation of any antivirusinstaller.com personnel, or any other third party, as is permitted with Website User Account.

Antivirusinstaller.com does not have to recognise your submissions; all content you submit to antivirusinstaller.com automatically becomes antivirusinstaller.com property. You hereby grant antivirusinstaller.com the right to use, edit, modify, adapt, translate, edit, and reformat any material in which you may be deemed to retain any ownership right as necessary and for any purpose. This right is non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, fully transferable, sub-licensable, and assignable. anywhere in the world, including those places where advertising might be considered.

You acknowledge and agree that any information, ideas, or messages you provide to antivirusinstaller.com through the use of this website, registration for an account on the antivirusinstaller.com website, or in any other way do not, and will not be treated as, confidential or proprietary information.

You acknowledge and agree that you will refrain from providing any ideas, materials, suggestions, or original creative concepts for brand-new, altered, or alternative goods or services to this Website. If you don’t comply, antivirusinstaller.com will be given complete ownership of the unsolicited item, including all rights and privileges associated with it, without paying you anything.

The open disclosure or use of unsolicited material for any purpose, including commercial ones, shall not subject antivirusinstaller.com to liability.

Certificates for professionals

Businesses or people who successfully complete the necessary antivirusinstaller.com training or antivirusinstaller.com recognised equivalence are given the various levels and specialisations for antivirusinstaller.com certification. The certifications must be kept up to date through consistent, confirmed technical service operations as they are not permanent. Any company or its workers who may have obtained or are displaying any antivirusinstaller.com certifications do so at their own risk, and antivirusinstaller.com is not liable for their actions or the calibre of their services.

Limitation of Responsibility and Disclaimer

antivirusinstaller.com makes an effort to guarantee the veracity and accuracy of the information on this website. Unfortunately, neither antivirusinstaller.com nor the Internet (or ISPs and hosting providers) are perfect, and occasionally mistakes or service interruptions may occur. antivirusinstaller.com hereby informs you that this website is made available to you “as is, as available.” WITH RESPECT TO THIS SITE OR ANY INFORMATION OR CONTENT THEREIN, NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE MADE. NEITHER WILL antivirusinstaller.com BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATEVER, NOR WILL antivirusinstaller.com BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES THAT RESULT FROM THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS SITE. THAT ARISE FROM MISTAKES, OMISSIONS, INTERRUPTIONS, DELETION OF FILES, ERRORS, DEFECTS, DELAYS IN OPERATION/TRANSMISSION, OR ANY FAILURE OF PERFORMANCE, WHETHER OR NOT CAUSED BY EVENTS BEYOND antivirusinstaller.com’ REASONABLE CONTROL, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ACTS OF GOD, COMMUNICATIONS antivirusinstaller.com’ liability for all damages, losses, and legal cases will never exceed that amount. THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU BECAUSE SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.

You acknowledge that any reliance on any of the website’s services or material is at your own risk when using this website. Regarding the amount of time that any content will be kept, stored, or displayed, antivirusinstaller.com provides no guarantees. Without providing previous, current, or potential visitors or users with prior notice, antivirusinstaller.com maintains the right to change the website’s content and services. antivirusinstaller.com will never be held responsible for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential losses resulting from the use of this website’s materials or services.

Privacy Notice

A privacy statement describing the collection, use, and storage of information about you is available on this website. Your use of this website indicates that you have read and understood our privacy statement. Additionally, you acknowledge and consent to the Website’s right to use your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Unaffiliated Website
There may be links on this website to websites operated by third parties who are not related to, owned by, or managed by antivirusinstaller.com. These websites’ contents are not the responsibility of antivirusinstaller.com, who does not promote, endorse, authorise, certify, or manage them. These websites include content written, distributed, kept up to date, or otherwise presented by institutions or groups unaffiliated with antivirusinstaller.com. About the information found on those third-party websites or its accuracy, completeness, or relevancy, antivirusinstaller.com makes no claims or warranties. Such connections do not represent or indicate support, endorsement, or favouritism on the part of antivirusinstaller.com.

Moreover, antivirusinstaller.com disclaims all liability for these other websites’ privacy policies. antivirusinstaller.com has no control over how your information is gathered, used, or otherwise handled at a third-party website that you can visit from this Website, and the terms of that site’s privacy policy apply to the information you submit there. You do so at your own risk and discretion while visiting any other websites that are connected to or from the antivirusinstaller.com website.


You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless antivirusinstaller.com, its parents, subsidiaries, officers, employees, agents, licensors, representatives, and third-party suppliers of this Website from any and all liabilities, claims, and expenses, including reasonable legal fees and costs, arising from any violation of these Terms or other unlawful or abusive behaviour, including the theft of another person’s property or violation of their right to privacy, or any such violation by your dependents.

The terms and conditions listed above are part of the checkout process, and by acknowledging them, you, the customer, agree to them and accept full responsibility for any products you purchase from antivirusinstaller.com.

You and antivirusinstaller.com concur that no partnership has been created and that neither of you nor antivirusinstaller.com has the right or ability to bind the other. By using this website, you agree to be bound by these terms, which are a legal contract between you and antivirusinstaller.com. The use of this website is subject to these Terms, which represent the complete agreement between you and antivirusinstaller.com.

Without taking into account issues of conflict of laws, US and Canadian law shall govern this Agreement and be followed in its interpretation. By using this website, you voluntarily consent to the application of US and Canadian law to any and all issues relating to these Terms. To the largest extent permitted by law, these Terms are in effect. The legality and enforceability of the remaining sections of these Terms are unaffected if any term of these Terms is or becomes void, illegal, or otherwise unenforceable.

Although antivirusinstaller.com won’t be responsible for any damages you incur as a result of any illegal use of your account, you might be responsible for antivirusinstaller.com’ or others’ losses as a result of such unauthorised use. If antivirusinstaller.com does not take action in response to a violation committed by you or another party at any time.

Antivirusinstaller.com is not giving up the right to take legal action in response to similar or upcoming violations.

Issues on Our Website

We make an effort to be as precise as we can. The accuracy, completeness, reliability, currentness, or error-freeness of product descriptions or other site information, however, is not guaranteed by us. Pricing and special offers could change. Occasionally, despite our best efforts, an item in our catalogue might not be available, the offer might be inaccurate, or an item might be incorrectly priced. For any of these reasons, we reserve the right to cancel your order or to get in touch with you for instructions.

Order Acknowledgement

We do not accept your order, and we do not confirm our offer to sell when we send you an order confirmation. We reserve the right to accept, reject, or limit the quantity of your order for any reason at any time after we receive it. These restrictions may be put in place on a per-person, per-household, per-order, or other basis. We’ll try to contact you via the email address you give us if we reject, limit, or otherwise modify your order. If we cancel an order, or a portion of an order, for which we have already charged you, we will reimburse you in full for that portion of the order.

You can use the headers in these Terms as a guide and for convenience. These headings neither restrict nor modify these Terms. These Terms supersede any prior understandings or agreements (whether oral or written) between you and antivirusinstaller.com with respect to this Website and, along with any documents referenced herein, constitute the entire agreement between you and antivirusinstaller.com with respect to this Website. The utmost extent permitted by law shall be applied to any term that is found to be unenforceable or invalid by a court, and all other terms will continue to be valid and enforceable. When restricted, this website and any promotions found there are void.

You are aware that these Terms are an agreement between you and antivirusinstaller.com that is enforceable by using this website.